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Gain Knowledge and Make Friends from All Over the World with a Master’s in Economics, Politics, and Business in Asia

Kyung Hee University Seoul Campus

Kyung Hee University Seoul Campus
© Wikipedia

As political and economic centres shift towards Asia, demand for specialists in the economic, political, and business environment in Asian countries will only increase. The Double Degree Programme in Economics, Politics, and Business in Asia offered by HSE University and Kyung Hee University (Seoul, South Korea) trains graduates with sought-after competencies for careers in international business, banking, government, media, academia, tourism and hospitality, entrepreneurship, and more.

The programme offers two tracks. The Business in Asia track is focused on international business management in China, Korea, and Japan, while the International Relations in Asia track is aimed at those with an interest in political and economic processes in Asia. Students spend the first semester studying at HSE University in Moscow, then spend the second and third semesters at Kyung Hee University in Seoul.

During their studies, students will learn from leading teachers from Russia and abroad, take international-level courses, and gain practical experience thanks to the programme’s project-based approach and internship opportunities. The programme is taught in English, which allows students to perfect their English-language communication skills and develop international networking opportunities. Students will also study another language from a choice of Chinese, Korean, or Japanese.

The HSE News Service spoke to two students of the programme about the admissions process, the course content, and the opportunities to make friends with people from different countries.

Ismael Fernando Sifuentes Gonzalez, Mexico

Before coming to HSE University, I read online that it was the best university for economics in Russia.

The admission process was very easy for me and very practical since it was all online. Any time I asked the admissions team some questions, they replied and helped me

I like all my subjects—especially Economics. I’m currently taking six subjects and the schedule is very comfortable for me. All the classes in the first semester were online and I didn’t have any problems interacting with my classmates or teachers. I have already made Russian, French, and Chinese friends.

I lived in Moscow for one month and I loved it. I was staying at Amurskaya (a dorm managed by HSE University). I would like to come back. 

Li Zhen, China

Before joining HSE University, I learned about it online. After a lot of searches, I learned that HSE is an excellent international university. The biggest advantage is that it has a large number of preeminent professors and scholars. This is the most attractive point for me, because I can expect to get comprehensive knowledge in such an international environment and I am very happy to make friends from all over the world.

The HSE admission process is very convenient because it is done entirely online. The university’s website provides a very comprehensive introduction and description of each college and major. Here, you can find anything you want to know. On top of that, HSE’s student support service is very considerate. We can get information about accommodation, tourism, visa processing, etc, which makes me very at ease.

I am currently studying courses such as Global Management, Applied Economics, Organisational Structure and Leadership, research seminars, and more

I like Applied Economics very much because this course gives me a systematic understanding of how countries can promote economic growth and prevent economic fluctuations.  This process is very interesting, and the professor’s teaching method is very practical. We will also conduct some simulation exercises—I really enjoy this method of teaching through lively activities.

Outside of class, I often communicate with other students. I am very happy that HSE provides an international platform for us to exchange and study with students from various countries. We also have the opportunity to participate in very successful forums.

Study life at HSE University is very rich, and your time is fully utilised. As long as you maintain an interest and a positive attitude, you will definitely enjoy it

Applications for the Double Degree Programme in Economics, Politics, and Business in Asia are open until August 15, 2022. For more information on applying to the programme, including portfolio requirements and a step-by-step guide to the admission process, please see the programme’s How to Apply page.

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