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ORCID: 0000-0002-5138-2278
ResearcherID: ABD-1368-2021
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Nivedita Kapoor

  • Nivedita Kapoor has been at HSE University since 2021.

Education and Degrees

  • 2020

    Jawaharlal Nehru University

  • 2016

    Jawaharlal Nehru University

  • 2010

    Master's in Politics and International Relations
    Jawaharlal Nehru University



  • 2024
    British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies (BASEES). Presentation: Regional dilemmas in Russia’s engagement with the non-West: A case study of South Asia
  • Проблемы и возможности развития экономических связей России с дружественными странами. Presentation: Non-Regional Actors in India’s Evolving South Asia Policy: Opportunities and Challenges for Russia
  • 2023
    British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies (BASEES). Presentation: Regional Security in Northeast Asia: Responses and Trends in Russian Foreign Policy
  • V Международная конференция «Мировое большинство в новых реалиях: региональное измерение» (Moscow). Presentation: Competition and Cooperation in the Evolving Geopolitics of Indian Ocean: Implications for Russian Strategy
  • XXIV Ясинской (Апрельской) международной научной конференции по проблемам развития экономики и общества (Москва). Presentation: BRICS in Russian Foreign Policy: Emerging Strategies, Trends and Challenges.
  • 2022
    British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies (BASEES) (Online). Presentation: Reimagining Regions: Russia's vision of Greater Eurasia and challenge of the Indo-Pacific
  • XXIII Yasin (April) International Academic Conference on Economic and Social Development (Moscow). Presentation: Decoding the Politics of Environment: Developing Countries in Climate Change Talks and Evolution of India’s Green Agenda
  • IV Международная конференция «Мировое большинство в современных международных реалиях: от фрагментации к новой институциональности» (Москва). Presentation: Indian perspectives on Russia-China Relations: Concerns and Opportunities
  • 2020
    Indo-Russia Young Scholars Seminar (New Delhi). Presentation: Indo-Russia Relations in a Post-COVID World’
  • 2018
    Indo-Russian Young Scholars International Seminar (New Delhi). Presentation: Limitations of Indo-Russia Strategic Partnership in the Changing World Order: A Study of the Asia-Pacific
  • 2017
    International Conference (New Delhi). Presentation: Russia-India-China Trilateral Cooperation: Opportunities and Challenges for New Delhi
  • 2016
    7th Young Scholars’ National Seminar (New Delhi). Presentation: Russia returns to West Asia – a study of its impact on the regional balance of power

Employment history

Observer Research Foundation | New Delhi, India

Junior Fellow (Russia and Eurasia) | May 2019 – September 2021


Indian Council of World Affairs | New Delhi, India

Project Fellow-Part Time | November 2020 – December 2020


Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defense Studies and Analyses | New Delhi, India

Research Intern, East Asia Center | November 2018 – April 2019


Press Trust of India | New Delhi, India

Journalist | October 2012 – July 2013


DNA Newspaper | Indore, India

Principal Features Correspondent | June 2011 – November 2011


Free Press Journal | Indore, India

Senior Correspondent | June 2010 – May 2011






Open Seminar “Challenges to Strategic Stability in South Asia”

On June 11, 2024, an open seminar was held at the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs within the framework of the project "Challenges to Strategic Stability in South Asia". The speaker at the seminar was Akash Shah, a Research Officer, Strategic Vision Institute (SVI), Pakistan.

Section 'South Asia: Foreign Policy and Economic Priorities' in the framework of V International Conference 'The World Majority in New Realities: the Regional Dimension'

On November 30, on the first day of the V International Conference “World Majority in New Realities: Regional Dimension”, the Section “South Asia: Foreign Policy and Economic Priorities” was held.

Open Seminar “China-US Competition in Asia: India’s Position” with Mr. Nandan Unnikrishnan

On April 6, 2023, an open seminar was held at the Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs within the framework of the project “India and the challenges of Global Politics”, which was devoted to the Indian view of the US-Chinese competition in the international arena.

China in the Age of Xi Jinping

On December 1, 2022, School of Regional Studies Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs, HSE University held the session "China in the Age of Xi Jinping" within the framework of the 4th International Conference “The world majority in the contemporary international realities: from fragmentation to new institutionalization”.