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Olga Bessmertnaya

  • Olga Bessmertnaya has been at HSE University since 2012.


Moderator of the Cross-cultural Seminar

Education and Degrees

  • 2000

    Candidate of Sciences* (PhD) in Theory and History of Culture
    Russian State University for the Humanities

  • 1976

    Lomonosov Moscow State University

* Candidate of Sciences
According to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) 2011, Candidate of Sciences belongs to ISCED level 8 - "doctoral or equivalent", together with PhD, DPhil, D.Lit, D.Sc, LL.D, Doctorate or similar. Candidate of Sciences allows its holders to reach the level of the Associate Professor.

Courses (2023/2024)

Courses (2020/2021)

Courses (2019/2020)


  • 2019
    2019 ASEEES Summer Convention (Загреб). Presentation: Culture Lies: “Solving” the Muslim Question in Late Imperial Russia through Double-dealing (the Case of M.-B. Hadjetlaché)
  • антропология страха (Санкт-Петербург). Presentation: Мотивы страха в мемуарах двух советских медиевистов–противников и образы советского прошлого (Е.В. Гутнова и А.Я. Гуревич)
  • Вторые романовские чтения (Москва). Presentation: Письмо как капля воды: конспирология в повседневности Бобруйска в первые годы 20 в. (не без восточных мотивов)
  • 2018
    X Мелетинские чтения (Москва). Presentation: Литература и жизнь: конструирование автобиографического нарратива самозванцем (случай Хаджетлаше)
  • 50th Annual Convention of the Association for Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies (Boston). Presentation: Trickster Live: Political Double-Dealing and Identity Performance in Late Imperial Russia (Maghomet-Bek Hadjetlaché)


Employment history

27.07.1994  - 11.09. 2017:

Senior Researcher: Centre for Comparative Studies of the Cultures of East and West,Institute for Oriental Cultures and Antiquity (before 2005 – Institute for Oriental Cultures), Russian State University for the Humanities;

2012 –August 2015

Assistant Professor: National Research University – Higher School of Economics, Dept. of  History (part-time);


Senior Researcher (part-time): Centre for the History of Everyday Life, Institute of Universal History, Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS)


Researcher: Dept. of Comparative Cultural Studies, Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences.


Research Fellow & Lecturer in African Language Literatures: Dept. of African Studies, Institute of Asian and African Studies, Moscow State University.


Editor: Dept.of Oriental Literatures and Cultures,"Nauka Publishers", Moscow.


Assistant: Dept. of African studies, Institute of Asian and African Studies, Moscow State University.


Assistant professor in Hausa language and culture: Dept. of African studies, Institute of Asian and African Studies, Moscow State University.


Editor: Dept. of World History, "Soviet Encyclopedia Publishers", Moscow.

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