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Address: St. Petersburg, 16 Soyuza Pechatnikov Ulitsa, room 214
SPIN-RSCI: 6920-9906
ORCID: 0000-0001-7648-8979
ResearcherID: L-7015-2015
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A. N. Scherbak
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Andrey Starodubtsev

  • Andrey Starodubtsev has been at HSE University since 2008.

Education and Degrees

  • 2010

    Candidate of Sciences* (PhD) in Political Institutes, Processes and Technologies
    Perm State University
    Thesis Title: Political, Social and Economic Determinants of Regional Policy Implementation in the Russian Federation

  • 2009

    Doctoral programme in Political Sciences
    European University in St. Petersburg, Political Sciences and Sociology

  • 2006

    Master's in Political Sciences
    European University in St. Petersburg, Political Sciences and Sociology

  • 2005

    O.V. Kuusinen Petrozavodsk State University

* Candidate of Sciences
According to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) 2011, Candidate of Sciences belongs to ISCED level 8 - "doctoral or equivalent", together with PhD, DPhil, D.Lit, D.Sc, LL.D, Doctorate or similar. Candidate of Sciences allows its holders to reach the level of the Associate Professor.

Awards and Accomplishments

Young Faculty Support Programme (Group of Young Academic Professionals)
Category "New Lecturers" (2012-2013)

Courses (2023/2024)

Courses (2022/2023)

Courses (2021/2022)

Courses (2020/2021)


Research Projects

2012 - 2014 - Project Director, Political Factors of Modernisation Programmes: the Case of Russia's Social and Economic Development Strategy towards 2010, Project 12-33-01440 of the Russian Humanitarian Foundation
2012 - Project Advisor, Toward a New Model of Russian Federalism: A Regional Perspective, Project of the Gorbachev Foundation

Professional Experience

  • April 2008 - March 2009: Research Assistant at the Smolny College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (St. Petersburg State University, Bard College)
  • September 2008 - present: Researcher at the Centre for Modernisation Research, European University in St. Petersburg
  • May 2008 - September 2010: Project Coordinator, HESP ReSET, Methodology Seminars on Comparative Studies in Political Science
  • August 2006 - March 2008: Analyst at the Development Technologies Foundation for Social and Economic Research


Timetable for today

Full timetable

Registration for the Spring Online School is open

We invite you to participate in the Spring Online School "Governance in Eurasia: Tools of Analysis". 

Results of HSE St Petersburg Summer School 2023

In August, the HSE University-St Petersburg Summer School came to an end. The participants attended courses in political science, Russian, and finance given by professors of HSE University-St Petersburg, got to know the city, and saw the sights as part of the cultural programme. The summer school hosted students from nine countries: China, Vietnam, South Korea, Japan, Italy, Germany, Uzbekistan and Russia.

‘Political Science Is a Lifestyle and Way of Thinking’

The Master's programme 'Comparative Politics of Eurasia' trains specialists in the internal and external politics of post-Soviet countries. Students learn how to combine qualitative and quantitative methods of analysis with theoretical approaches from various social sciences. The programme has three educational tracks: one in research and two applied ones. Andrey Starodubtsev, Academic Supervisor of the programme, explains which subjects students will learn and where they will be able to undertake internships.

'They Make a Choice Right on the Spot': Results of the Winter School

During the weekend, on February 4-5, HSE University-St Petersburg held the Winter School for which 3194 people had registered. Prospective Master's students had a chance to learn more about studies in the programmes, listened to interesting lectures from professors and business experts, and even ask Eugene Vodolazkin, a famous writer, their questions. Find out how these two days went in the article.

'It Is Like Having Three Separate but Intertwined Programmes'

As the 2022 admission campaign approaches, Andrey Starodubtsev, Academic Supervisor of the Master's Programme in Comparative Politics of Eurasia, talks about the programme’s unique focus and the specifics of the educational process.

Here’s what happened at HSE – St. Petersburg in 2021

The HSE – St. Petersburg team prepared a recap of the most significant events of the outgoing 2021 year, while the campus director Anna Tyshetskaya shared her future plans for the campus.

Interview with Oleg Korneev, Academic Supervisor of the Master’s Programme 'Comparative Russian and Eurasian Politics'

In 2021, HSE University – St. Petersburg will launch a new and unique Master’s programme in collaboration with University College London – the worldwide-renowned centre of academic excellence and the world's Top-10 university.

HSE University — Saint Petersburg and UCL Open a New Master's Programme

In the new joint master's programme 'Comparative Russian and Eurasian Politics', which will begin accepting applications in 2021, students will divide their time betwee University College London and HSE University - Saint Petersburg. Upon graduation, students will earn a double degree awarded by both universities. The programme is of interest of those who want to study politics in Russia and the post-Soviet region and gain a deeper knowledge of the area that will equip them for region-related careers or further study at the doctoral level.

Admission Campaign for the International Students: an Interview with Andrey Starodubtsev

Every year the popularity of the Higher School of Economics with the international applicants is growing. We have decided to talk with Andrey V. Starodubtsev, Dean of the School of Social Sciences and Area Studies at the HSE and the Academic Supervisor of the MA Program in Comparative Politics of Eurasia to learn about the peculiarities of admission to our university for international students. If you are thinking of joining us, feel free to read this article!

Presentation of books by Michael Rochlitz, Alexander Libman and Andrey Starodubtsev, devoted to federalism in Russia and China

Center for Comparative Governance Studies is happy to arrange the presentation of two books on federalism in Russia and China

Mikhail Turchenko has successfully defended his PhD thesis

How HSE - St. Petersburg Takes on Modern Challenges

Modern life is full of dynamic challenges. Some require a comprehensive strategy to develop skills, while others require us to take a wider view of educational processes. What is HSE - St. Petersburg doing to offer a competitive education?

Double Degree Bachelor’s Programmes Launched at HSE University – St. Petersburg

This year, 10 students from  the University of Rome Tor Vergata will arrive at HSE – St. Petersburg as part of the newly-launched Double Degree programmes.

A Dual Degree Programme with the University of Rome Tor Vergata. New Opportunities for the Students of "Political Science and World Politics"

Have you ever heard about the dual degree programme? It is interesting, isn’t it? This year our BA program opens such an opportunity for students, when any second-year student can try to apply for a double degree programme with the University of Rome Tor Vergata. We’ve interviewed Andrei Starodubtsev about the new opportunities of our educational program.

Employment after Graduation: A Manual for Students from Graduates

Sooner or later, every student faces the problem of employment. Sometimes even the most purposeful and motivated people may find themselves in a situation, where there are no special working places for a particular person with an exact set of skills, but a variety of opportunities to demonstrate knowledge and experience gained at the university. We’ve conducted an interview with Alexander Bertov, our graduate of 2017, who shares his experience in getting job after the university. 

Federalism and Regionalism in Russia and Germany

On April 19, 2016, in the HSE within the framework of the 13th German Week in St. Petersburg the international seminar "Federalism and Regionalism in Russia and Germany" took place.